The Story of Ivy
Wolfquest Fanfiction(you don't need
to know about the game)
Part 2 |
Every wolf howled at the Leader as he stood on
hind legs and howled.Then the Leader yowled
"the entering wolves are Ivy from the Warmwinds
and Dawn from the Pinewoods along with Bite from
Backbite with Sunny from the Water pack and
now the first contest is the hunting."Ivy was the
first to enter and looked at the elk's strong legs.
Then she got pushed in to the Rink and a protecter
pushed the gate closed and locked it with a stick.
Ivy ran towards the herd to smell which elk was
the weakest.She smelled two weak ones but when she ran
a strong elk chased her away. Ivy stood on
hind legs and growled the elk away.Then Ivy
leaped on a weak elk and quicky bit his neck.The
elk fell.The protecters opened to gate and Ivy
watched as the other wolves catched the elk.The
Leader howled"now the contest is a race but
nowolf is leaving now because everywolf has
hunted a elk.Now the wolves must chose a
place in the Singles as he pointed to a red lines.
READY, SET,GOOOOOOO"and the wolves
ran.Ivy ran and felt the wind right in her fur.
Ivy felt a touch of success when she ran over
the red finsh line.The Leader then yowled"Sunny
is in last place so Sunny is now out of the Pack Games."
Ivy saw Sunny hang her head as she padded away.
"Anyway the last contest is the greatest one of all,
Battle". Ivy felt a shiver up her back. Ivy entered the Rink
and saw Bite staring at her,"Another victom of the Biter''
snarled Bite as he circled Ivy and Ivy circled back,
then they leaped at each other Ivy sinking her claws
in bites back.She leaped off and jumped praying
she would land on Bite's back but missed and leaped
up only finding Bite on her back.Ivy reared up
shaking Bite off her back and turning to bite Bite
but when she did she got a small bite back.Ivy
slipped under Bite and tripped him and held him down
for 10 second and won.Then Ivy proudly took the bull
elk off the edge and went home in the amazingly big
den made made out of tree roots.Ivy ate dinner,
cleaned up and went to sleep.
How did you like that,its my first and i plan on doing
The Story of Berry 2.Bye and animal on!