2013年11月29日 星期五

The story of Ivy 3 part 2

The Story of Ivy 3 part 2

Ivy found a den and in a hill and leaped in the den but
she regretted it.The bear got inside and Ivy couldn't run
now.Ivy braised herself and bit nothing happened.Ivy
looked up and the bear was batting Rock and Apple when
Sunny tried to claw the bear.Ivy sneaked to the back and 
leaped on the bears back.The bear couldn't hurt her and tried to run.
Ivy leaped off and ran with her Group.After the Group checked that the
bear was gone they started to hunt."We need to hunt alot.
Think about how much you would eat and catch 3 times
as much as you could eat.1 for us to refill and most for the 
Elders and Alphas.Let us hunt!"Ivy went into
a lush forest and saw a blue jay on the
ground.She stalked it,silent but swift and pounced.She 
quickly killed it and sat up with the blue jay.She caught
3 blue jays,4 brown squirrels and 7 mice.She found her team
and they sorted up the prey.Ivy had 14
pieces of food and divided it up and ate 4 pieces of prey.
The team leader who was Rock took all the other prey and ran
back to the packs.The leader of the team would bring the
prey to the packs after every catch so the food didn't rot,then she/he
would come and take the other prey back.While Rock
was gone a forest fire started.The team ran,not knowing where
they're team members were.Ivy got lost and started padding to 
the den she hid in from the bear.She lived there for 2 days and woke up.
An group of 6 Intruders leaped on Ivy and growled"COME WITH ME''

2013年11月17日 星期日

The Story of Ivy 3 part 1

The Story of Ivy 3 part 1

Ivy woke up to find it quite cold even in
her den.''I need another pelt'' Ivy groaned,Then she had an idea.
She grabbed a 10 rocks covers in elk fur (which is like 
money in the Packs.)She ran to a Sale Den and used
10 Rocks for 2 elk fur cloaks.Ivy brought them to her den and
 put one on.Then she heard a howl from the Leader and ran to
the cliff edge."It has because winter and again we must seek 
the Journey.''The Journey was every winter to seek
more prey and den or nest material bring it back to the Packs to
keep warm and full.Ivy hoped to be chosen in the 
1 of the 5 groups to go all the way to the most
prey-rich and warm places in the south.For Group 1
is Ivy,Sunny,Apple and Rock.For group 2-''Ivy,Sunny,Apple and Rock
left and barked happily at each other ''WE MADE IT!''Ivy and her
group started south as Ivy said''I think I'm gonna steal
some syrup from humans later.''Then Ivy stopped dead,''do you hear
that?''''no"The a black bear leaped out.''RUN''yowled Apple 
as the group scattered with howls and yelps of fear.When 
Ivy ran but the bear was after her.

Wolves and they're Packs

There is a reason they hunt and play with each other.The Alphas of the packs are a pair of mates who have the pups and lead the pack.The pack works together herding the prey around
 Wolf packs can include from 2 wolves to 20.The pack has they're own territory and will fight with other packs for more.Sorry its all about wolves,I didn't do that much research  so ya.Bye and animal on!

2013年11月16日 星期六

                                   The Story of Ivy 2 part 2                                     
Ivy loosen her paws and let the Invader go because it was 
terrible to kill.She spun around to meet an Invader 
face to face.Ivy raised her hackles looking like she was about
 to leap so the Invader leaped but Ivy didn't leap but ran and 
 hauled herself at the Invader's belly pushing him down.
Ivy bite him again and again but let him go.All the
Invaders fled and left the Packs growling,snarling
 and walking away with limps.Ivy started padding away
when Leaf told her"I am in a pack,the Pinewood pack."
Ivy felt her tail drop.''Its ok''Ivy sighed as she left.
Ivy lay on her nest and sighed.Then she felt hungry.Ivy 
padded outside and felt better as she smelled the open
woods.She smelled a squirrel which was good because
Ivy's favorite type of prey.Late Ivy saw a brown squirrel biting a 
large acorn. She carefully stalked it and pounced.
She quickly grasped it in her paws and bit 
its neck.She gobbled up the squirrel and 
smelled an old sign of Leaf and lay down thinking
how she had saved her life.A yowl waked her up
and soon saw the Invaders fighting weak group
of wolves and howled for other stronger,healed wolves to fight.
Ivy leaped down the clearing where the Battle was with fresh 
wolves behind her.Ivy yowled as she leaped on a pair wolves
and kicked them away as she bit a wolf leaping at her.Ivy pined
him down and and charged at another wolf,bit her leg 
when flinging her away.All the Invaders she beat
stared at her and ran away,yelping at every step.The Leader of the
Packs held the Leader of the Invaders down as he promised him
never to invade again.Ivy was glad to live in peace again,
catching squirrels,lying in the sun but it wasn't all
fun being a wolf.This was only the start.


I am really sorry for not doing a normal post but I am doing lots of research for a full post.I have lots of stuff in my mind but don't worry cause i will not quit in years.Animal on!