Hi everyone.I am really sorry.Anyway I think I will do a post about(drum roll please?)DOLPHINS!Dolphins are mammals.The killer whale is actually not a whale but a dolphin and its real name is orca.There are many dolphins like the common dolphin,the bottlenose dolphin,the orca and others.The most common type of dolphin is the bottlenose on the image below.
Aren't they cute.Anyway dolphins,apes and humans are a couple of the smartest animals in the world.Dolphins are train to do tricks.Dolphins use echolocation to find food.Echolocation is a dolphin or whale makes a sound and the sound hits something and bounces back like a ball you can hear with.Many people love dolphins because they are so smart,loyal and useful.Dolphins are used in the Army,Movies,helping the disabled fell better,Worlds like Oceanworld and to help fisherman chase the fish to the beach.Dolphins are being killed by the fisherman that catchs tuna because dolphins usually swim with tuna for an easy meal but get trapped in the net that fisherman use.Now most tuna products have a sign saying dolphin safe which helps dolphins.I have played with dolphins once.I will post a picture of that later.Animal on and see ya later,Lol.
2013年12月27日 星期五
2013年12月16日 星期一
The story Ivy 3 part 3
The story of Ivy 3 part 3
Ivy bit one of the Invaders in the nose and kicked another away.Ivy bit
growled and clawed at another ears,Ivy aimed at the first Invaders
at the belly and knocked him over.They all leaped at Ivy
at the same time and made Ivy walk.After the walk Ivy saw a many
dens lined up.The Leader of Invaders came."Will we get our Paint
because we got our first prisoner.""Sure"then a wolf
came with paints made of berries and plants.She layered the Invaders
fur with dark green paint.The wolves howled and put Ivy in a den.Then Ivy
saw something in the den.Apple,Sunny and
Rock."Guys"''ok now lets make a plan to get out."'ok
Rock."Guys"''ok now lets make a plan to get out."'ok
so Apple you go crazy asking for food and water and try
to get war paint.""Why,""to keep the guards busy, anyway
Sunny you try to knock over stuff to
get us a boost.Ivy you fight and I will lure most
of the pack away.If anyone gets caught the guards will go crazy
seeing nowolf in the den. Got it?""Got it"And they ran.Ivy
leaped on a wolf and clawed its ear leaving a scar.Ivy suddenly
got the air knocked out.Ivy saw the gleaming yellow
eyes of an Invader and yelped.They dragged her to
the den and did go crazy seeing nowolf there.The lost
focus in Ivy and Ivy attacked them from be hide.Suddenly
Rock yowled''change of plans,sunny go and help Ivy."Sunny
leaped at Ivy and said"oh this isn't an Inturder,sorry Ivy"
Ivy and Sunny worked together and at last they
got the air knocked out.Ivy saw the gleaming yellow
eyes of an Invader and yelped.They dragged her to
the den and did go crazy seeing nowolf there.The lost
focus in Ivy and Ivy attacked them from be hide.Suddenly
Rock yowled''change of plans,sunny go and help Ivy."Sunny
leaped at Ivy and said"oh this isn't an Inturder,sorry Ivy"
Ivy and Sunny worked together and at last they
2013年11月29日 星期五
The story of Ivy 3 part 2
The Story of Ivy 3 part 2
Ivy found a den and in a hill and leaped in the den but
she regretted it.The bear got inside and Ivy couldn't run
now.Ivy braised herself and bit nothing happened.Ivy
looked up and the bear was batting Rock and Apple when
Sunny tried to claw the bear.Ivy sneaked to the back and
leaped on the bears back.The bear couldn't hurt her and tried to run.
Ivy leaped off and ran with her Group.After the Group checked that the
bear was gone they started to hunt."We need to hunt alot.
Think about how much you would eat and catch 3 times
as much as you could eat.1 for us to refill and most for the
Elders and Alphas.Let us hunt!"Ivy went into
a lush forest and saw a blue jay on the
ground.She stalked it,silent but swift and pounced.She
quickly killed it and sat up with the blue jay.She caught
3 blue jays,4 brown squirrels and 7 mice.She found her team
and they sorted up the prey.Ivy had 14
pieces of food and divided it up and ate 4 pieces of prey.
The team leader who was Rock took all the other prey and ran
back to the packs.The leader of the team would bring the
prey to the packs after every catch so the food didn't rot,then she/he
would come and take the other prey back.While Rock
was gone a forest fire started.The team ran,not knowing where
they're team members were.Ivy got lost and started padding to
the den she hid in from the bear.She lived there for 2 days and woke up.
An group of 6 Intruders leaped on Ivy and growled"COME WITH ME''
2013年11月17日 星期日
The Story of Ivy 3 part 1
The Story of Ivy 3 part 1
Ivy woke up to find it quite cold even in
her den.''I need another pelt'' Ivy groaned,Then she had an idea.
She grabbed a 10 rocks covers in elk fur (which is like
money in the Packs.)She ran to a Sale Den and used
10 Rocks for 2 elk fur cloaks.Ivy brought them to her den and
put one on.Then she heard a howl from the Leader and ran to
the cliff edge."It has because winter and again we must seek
the Journey.''The Journey was every winter to seek
more prey and den or nest material bring it back to the Packs to
keep warm and full.Ivy hoped to be chosen in the
1 of the 5 groups to go all the way to the most
prey-rich and warm places in the south.For Group 1
is Ivy,Sunny,Apple and Rock.For group 2-''Ivy,Sunny,Apple and Rock
left and barked happily at each other ''WE MADE IT!''Ivy and her
group started south as Ivy said''I think I'm gonna steal
some syrup from humans later.''Then Ivy stopped dead,''do you hear
that?''''no"The a black bear leaped out.''RUN''yowled Apple
as the group scattered with howls and yelps of fear.When
Ivy ran but the bear was after her.
Wolves and they're Packs
There is a reason they hunt and play with each other.The Alphas of the packs are a pair of mates who have the pups and lead the pack.The pack works together herding the prey around
Wolf packs can include from 2 wolves to 20.The pack has they're own territory and will fight with other packs for more.Sorry its all about wolves,I didn't do that much research so ya.Bye and animal on!
Wolf packs can include from 2 wolves to 20.The pack has they're own territory and will fight with other packs for more.Sorry its all about wolves,I didn't do that much research so ya.Bye and animal on!
2013年11月16日 星期六
The Story of Ivy 2 part 2
Ivy loosen her paws and let the Invader go because it was
terrible to kill.She spun around to meet an Invader
face to face.Ivy raised her hackles looking like she was about
to leap so the Invader leaped but Ivy didn't leap but ran and
hauled herself at the Invader's belly pushing him down.
Ivy bite him again and again but let him go.All the
Invaders fled and left the Packs growling,snarling
and walking away with limps.Ivy started padding away
when Leaf told her"I am in a pack,the Pinewood pack."
Ivy felt her tail drop.''Its ok''Ivy sighed as she left.
Ivy lay on her nest and sighed.Then she felt hungry.Ivy
padded outside and felt better as she smelled the open
woods.She smelled a squirrel which was good because
Ivy's favorite type of prey.Late Ivy saw a brown squirrel biting a
large acorn. She carefully stalked it and pounced.
She quickly grasped it in her paws and bit
its neck.She gobbled up the squirrel and
smelled an old sign of Leaf and lay down thinking
how she had saved her life.A yowl waked her up
and soon saw the Invaders fighting weak group
of wolves and howled for other stronger,healed wolves to fight.
Ivy leaped down the clearing where the Battle was with fresh
wolves behind her.Ivy yowled as she leaped on a pair wolves
and kicked them away as she bit a wolf leaping at her.Ivy pined
him down and and charged at another wolf,bit her leg
when flinging her away.All the Invaders she beat
stared at her and ran away,yelping at every step.The Leader of the
Packs held the Leader of the Invaders down as he promised him
never to invade again.Ivy was glad to live in peace again,
catching squirrels,lying in the sun but it wasn't all
fun being a wolf.This was only the start.
I am really sorry for not doing a normal post but I am doing lots of research for a full post.I have lots of stuff in my mind but don't worry cause i will not quit in years.Animal on!
2013年10月22日 星期二
The Story of Ivy 2 part 1
The Story of Ivy 2
Ivy woke up feeling joyful since she won the Pack games.
Ivy went outside and saw a light grey wolf that saw before,
''hey Ivy,long time''''Sister I missed you so much"relied
Leaf.Ivy's sister,who was named Leaf was visiting."hey and we will make
pack named the Warmwinds.""Sure"woofed Leaf.
Then they both heard a howl from the Leader,and they ran to
the Edge.''there have been random sightings of invaders.I am-"
then a large pack of invaders came and leaped on a couple
wolves and most were ready.Then Ivy and Leaf worked
together towards the Leader and made sure he was ok,then
they entered the battle and Ivy got knocked over.Then
everything burred and slowed,then Ivy saw the wolf that
was on her eves widen and Leaf dragged her away.then everything
got faster and clearer as she heard Leaf yowl ''GET OFF HER!"
then howling as Ivy ran at the wolf Leaf was fighting and
bowled that wolf over,clawed and bited and bunch and growled
![]() |
part 1 |
Ivy went outside and saw a light grey wolf that saw before,
''hey Ivy,long time''''Sister I missed you so much"relied
Leaf.Ivy's sister,who was named Leaf was visiting."hey and we will make
pack named the Warmwinds.""Sure"woofed Leaf.
Then they both heard a howl from the Leader,and they ran to
the Edge.''there have been random sightings of invaders.I am-"
then a large pack of invaders came and leaped on a couple
wolves and most were ready.Then Ivy and Leaf worked
together towards the Leader and made sure he was ok,then
they entered the battle and Ivy got knocked over.Then
everything burred and slowed,then Ivy saw the wolf that
was on her eves widen and Leaf dragged her away.then everything
got faster and clearer as she heard Leaf yowl ''GET OFF HER!"
then howling as Ivy ran at the wolf Leaf was fighting and
bowled that wolf over,clawed and bited and bunch and growled
Trailer of The Story of Ivy 2
2013年10月21日 星期一
The Story of Ivy Part II
The Story of Ivy
Wolfquest Fanfiction(you don't need
to know about the game)
hind legs and howled.Then the Leader yowled
"the entering wolves are Ivy from the Warmwinds
and Dawn from the Pinewoods along with Bite from
Backbite with Sunny from the Water pack and
now the first contest is the hunting."Ivy was the
first to enter and looked at the elk's strong legs.
Then she got pushed in to the Rink and a protecter
pushed the gate closed and locked it with a stick.
Ivy ran towards the herd to smell which elk was
the weakest.She smelled two weak ones but when she ran
a strong elk chased her away. Ivy stood on
hind legs and growled the elk away.Then Ivy
leaped on a weak elk and quicky bit his neck.The
elk fell.The protecters opened to gate and Ivy
watched as the other wolves catched the elk.The
Leader howled"now the contest is a race but
nowolf is leaving now because everywolf has
hunted a elk.Now the wolves must chose a
place in the Singles as he pointed to a red lines.
READY, SET,GOOOOOOO"and the wolves
ran.Ivy ran and felt the wind right in her fur.
Ivy felt a touch of success when she ran over
the red finsh line.The Leader then yowled"Sunny
is in last place so Sunny is now out of the Pack Games."
Ivy saw Sunny hang her head as she padded away.
"Anyway the last contest is the greatest one of all,
Battle". Ivy felt a shiver up her back. Ivy entered the Rink
and saw Bite staring at her,"Another victom of the Biter''
snarled Bite as he circled Ivy and Ivy circled back,
then they leaped at each other Ivy sinking her claws
in bites back.She leaped off and jumped praying
she would land on Bite's back but missed and leaped
up only finding Bite on her back.Ivy reared up
shaking Bite off her back and turning to bite Bite
but when she did she got a small bite back.Ivy
slipped under Bite and tripped him and held him down
for 10 second and won.Then Ivy proudly took the bull
elk off the edge and went home in the amazingly big
den made made out of tree roots.Ivy ate dinner,
cleaned up and went to sleep.
How did you like that,its my first and i plan on doing
The Story of Berry 2.Bye and animal on!
snarled Bite as he circled Ivy and Ivy circled back,
then they leaped at each other Ivy sinking her claws
in bites back.She leaped off and jumped praying
she would land on Bite's back but missed and leaped
up only finding Bite on her back.Ivy reared up
shaking Bite off her back and turning to bite Bite
but when she did she got a small bite back.Ivy
slipped under Bite and tripped him and held him down
for 10 second and won.Then Ivy proudly took the bull
elk off the edge and went home in the amazingly big
den made made out of tree roots.Ivy ate dinner,
cleaned up and went to sleep.
How did you like that,its my first and i plan on doing
The Story of Berry 2.Bye and animal on!
2013年10月20日 星期日
The Story of Ivy
Wolfquest fanfiction.(You don't have to know about the game.)
The Story of Ivy.The wonderful wolf of Yellowstone park
Part 1
Once there was a beautiful grey wolf named Ivy. She was kind,smart,strong and
fast.She was a loner and was protected by the Packs.Her dream was to enter the
Pack Games,a series of contests like the Olympics.She knew today was the
Pack games.She ran across the forest with the rain falling on her pelt.She
heard a howl from the Leader of all packs meaning all the packs must come
to the Rink.She stopped at a protecter to show she was going to enter.The
protecter asked what pack she was from and she saw that the Rink was
different because it was much nicer.The seats were covered in marigold
juice and the floor of the Rink has been covered in wet sand for a nice running
ground."WHAT PACK ARE YOU FROM!"yelled the protecter,"oh sorry its a beautiful update but I don't have a pack,I'm an loner."Ok but what would
you call your pack if you had one""Warmwind"replied Ivy as she pushed
past.She saw that the leaders helper pack had bring a bull elk,then they hung
it off the edge where the leader sat.Then they lit the Lone Tree on fire.The
Leader of The Packs showered down many leafs and howled"LET THE GAMES
The Story of Ivy.The wonderful wolf of Yellowstone park
Part 1
![]() |
Ivy |
Once there was a beautiful grey wolf named Ivy. She was kind,smart,strong and
fast.She was a loner and was protected by the Packs.Her dream was to enter the
Pack Games,a series of contests like the Olympics.She knew today was the
Pack games.She ran across the forest with the rain falling on her pelt.She
heard a howl from the Leader of all packs meaning all the packs must come
to the Rink.She stopped at a protecter to show she was going to enter.The
protecter asked what pack she was from and she saw that the Rink was
different because it was much nicer.The seats were covered in marigold
juice and the floor of the Rink has been covered in wet sand for a nice running
ground."WHAT PACK ARE YOU FROM!"yelled the protecter,"oh sorry its a beautiful update but I don't have a pack,I'm an loner."Ok but what would
you call your pack if you had one""Warmwind"replied Ivy as she pushed
past.She saw that the leaders helper pack had bring a bull elk,then they hung
it off the edge where the leader sat.Then they lit the Lone Tree on fire.The
Leader of The Packs showered down many leafs and howled"LET THE GAMES
2013年8月29日 星期四
Polar Bear
Hello everyone i am so sorry i have not blogged in a long long time.I was on summer vacation.Anyway i going to talk about polar bears.
1.Because it is harder to find food some males polar bears are trying to eat cubs
2.Polar bears now have to live on ice berg
3.Polar bears are huge animals and have lots of power but now they are endangered
bye and see you soon but before you leave I will try saying a trademark at the end that's
'bye and animal on'.
1.Because it is harder to find food some males polar bears are trying to eat cubs
2.Polar bears now have to live on ice berg
3.Polar bears are huge animals and have lots of power but now they are endangered
bye and see you soon but before you leave I will try saying a trademark at the end that's
'bye and animal on'.
2013年7月23日 星期二
Song: "The world is awake"
"The world is awake"
(Oh oh oh oh ooh oh oh oh oh yeah yeah yeah )
sun is rising , moon is setting and just letting my worries float away .
the sky is turning blue ,
clouds are turning white ,
the world is awake finally finally finally (oh oh yeah )
flowers are blooming ,
plant are awake oh oh oh oh
lights are turning off ,
kids are playing now ,
The light in the cloud where the moon set is seems so bright (yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah )
the world finally is awake
-yeah yeah awake
-yeah yeah awake
2013年6月15日 星期六
Birds Poem
Hi everyone,I am a pretty good poet and this is a poem I wrote at school.
maybe some like to lack
flying,breeding,living in trees,
2013年6月14日 星期五
Puppies and doggies
Hello everyone,I am sorry I did not post for a while.Anyway I know I have not done a dog post in a while so that is what I am going to do.Anyways lets get on facts.
1 New born dogs are blind and deaf.
2 When you pet a dog it will make you a bit healthier if you are sick.
3 Dogs go to sad or crying people more than people who are chatting.
Bye and I hope you like the pictures.
1 New born dogs are blind and deaf.
2 When you pet a dog it will make you a bit healthier if you are sick.
3 Dogs go to sad or crying people more than people who are chatting.
Bye and I hope you like the pictures.
2013年5月27日 星期一
2013年5月25日 星期六
Cats and Deers
Hello everyone,I am going to do a 2-in-1 super awesome,great,wonderful post about cats in the wild and deer!SUPER DUPER FUN FACTS
1 Cats can not taste sweet so the only reason they like honey is because its smooths there tummy.
2 Cat will make shelter in caves and fallen trees and will also make bedding.
3 Cats eat bunnies,mice,squirrels,voles and birds.
4 Cats mark their territory by rubbing its fur on a tree.
Time for Deer!So today I saw a bunch of whitetail deer on my trip and got really pumped up and went crazy and I know quite about deer.
1 There are about 30 million whitetail deers in the world.
2 Whitetail deer may eat birds.
3 Whitetail deer can cross the road.
4 Whitetail deer can come up really close
5 When the whitetail deer see something unlikely like someone taking a picture they will stomp to warn other deer there might be danger.
6 When whitetail deer lift there tails showing white means time to retreat.
Here is the picture we took, enjoy:
Bye everyone and I hope you learn something new.
1 Cats can not taste sweet so the only reason they like honey is because its smooths there tummy.
2 Cat will make shelter in caves and fallen trees and will also make bedding.
3 Cats eat bunnies,mice,squirrels,voles and birds.
4 Cats mark their territory by rubbing its fur on a tree.
Time for Deer!So today I saw a bunch of whitetail deer on my trip and got really pumped up and went crazy and I know quite about deer.
1 There are about 30 million whitetail deers in the world.
2 Whitetail deer may eat birds.
3 Whitetail deer can cross the road.
4 Whitetail deer can come up really close
5 When the whitetail deer see something unlikely like someone taking a picture they will stomp to warn other deer there might be danger.
6 When whitetail deer lift there tails showing white means time to retreat.
Here is the picture we took, enjoy:
Bye everyone and I hope you learn something new.
2013年5月19日 星期日
Hello,I am sorry I have not posted anything but today I will post about horses

1 Horses do not like the smell of pigs
2 Horses sleep more in the summer than in the winter
3 A horses heart is about 9 pounds
4 No 2 horses are the same
5 Horses have the biggest eyes of the land aminal
Bye everyone.

1 Horses do not like the smell of pigs
2 Horses sleep more in the summer than in the winter
3 A horses heart is about 9 pounds
4 No 2 horses are the same
5 Horses have the biggest eyes of the land aminal
Bye everyone.
2013年5月13日 星期一
All About Parrots
Hello everyone,people love parrots and I think that people should hear more about them,I mean talking birds
so cool.I think they should be heard more so I going to make this colorful!
1 parrots can live up to 70 years old
2 parrots mock human speech.
3 male and female look the same.
Now that is over,time for pics!Bye everyone and see you tomorrow!
2013年5月12日 星期日
Pros and Cons of Having A Cat
Hello again, there are many pros and cons for cats like:
1. Nobody like cleaning the litter box
2. They may come with smell
3. People don't like when cats shed because there will be cat hair everywhere
1. They are very cute
2. Their love is endless
3. Cats can keep you busy when bored.
I also am going to try and post every two days,I also might post twice a day.Bye everyone.
1. Nobody like cleaning the litter box
2. They may come with smell
3. People don't like when cats shed because there will be cat hair everywhere
1. They are very cute
2. Their love is endless
3. Cats can keep you busy when bored.
I also am going to try and post every two days,I also might post twice a day.Bye everyone.
Hello again,do you want a dog?Well this breed is for you!It is called Cavachon.
Its fur will not affect you if you are allergic to dogs.
It is too cute
It can live in small apt.
It loves to play
Its easy train
This is what it looks like
Its fur will not affect you if you are allergic to dogs.
It is too cute
It can live in small apt.
It loves to play
Its easy train
This is what it looks like
2013年5月11日 星期六
Hello everyone, I will start a blog, I will try posting every week. This blog will be about Animals!
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