2013年12月16日 星期一

The story Ivy 3 part 3

 The story of Ivy 3 part 3

Ivy bit one of the Invaders in the nose and kicked another away.Ivy bit
growled and clawed at another ears,Ivy aimed at the first Invaders
at the belly and knocked him over.They all leaped at Ivy 
at the same time and made Ivy walk.After the walk Ivy saw a many 
dens lined up.The Leader of Invaders came."Will we get our Paint
because we got our first prisoner.""Sure"then a wolf
came with paints made of berries and plants.She layered the Invaders
fur with  dark green paint.The wolves howled and put Ivy in a den.Then Ivy
saw something in the den.Apple,Sunny and
Rock."Guys"''ok now lets make a plan to get out."'ok
so Apple you go crazy asking for food and water and try 
to get war paint.""Why,""to keep the guards busy, anyway 
Sunny you try to knock over stuff to
get us a boost.Ivy you fight and I will lure most
of the pack away.If anyone gets caught the guards will go crazy
seeing nowolf in the den. Got it?""Got it"And they ran.Ivy
leaped on a wolf and clawed its ear leaving a scar.Ivy suddenly
got the air knocked out.Ivy saw the gleaming yellow
eyes of an Invader and yelped.They dragged her to 
the den and did go crazy seeing nowolf there.The  lost
focus in Ivy and Ivy attacked them from be hide.Suddenly
Rock yowled''change of plans,sunny go and help Ivy."Sunny 
leaped at Ivy and said"oh this isn't an Inturder,sorry Ivy"
Ivy and Sunny worked together and at last they

1 則留言:

  1. Kimmie this is too scary and violent for me. Even though I enjoy eating snakes.
